Day 89

Day 89

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Day 89
  • 6 Minute Non-Impact Cardio

    Get your heart rate up without any impact! This is a quick cardio burst that will get your blood flowing!

    Props needed (but can still do without): 3-5 lbs free weights

  • 12 Minute Wrist Weight Arms Extravaganza

    Join Beth for an extravaganza of wrist weight arms!
    Props: 1 pound wrist weights (but you'll still feel it if you do it without weights).

  • 14 Minute Abs

    A great controlled mat-based abdominal series! Good for anyone but especially for postpartum. There is a strong focus on breathe work in this video, importune for a strong deep core.

    Props needed: soft ball (firm pillow will work), mat

  • The Everyday Stretch! - 14 Minute Foam Roller

    Release tight muscles with this foam rolling sequence! Break up myofascial tissue in your body with a foam roller to prevent injury or warm up. Beth takes you through her daily foam rolling ritual.

    Props needed: foam roller